Document Library

Resources & Information

Control of Lead-Based Paint Ordinance

The following Health Regulation pertaining to Lead-based Paint was adopted by the Black Hawk County Board of Health following hearing on April 27, 2022, and approved by the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors on May 10, 2022

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Black Hawk County Health Department- Electronic Communications Policy

Electronic Communications Policy adopted 04/27/2022. Social Media Communications section begins on page 3.

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Radon & You

What you need to know to protect yourself and your family.

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EPA Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction- How to Fix Your Home

Information for people who tested their home for radon and have elevated radon levels — 4 pCi/L or higher.

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Radon Resistant Construction Techniques

Using common materials and straight forward techniques, builders can construct new homes that are resistant to radon entry.

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IA HHS- HPV Vaccine Information

Iowa HHS website

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CDC Resources- HPV Vaccine

CDC Resources on Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

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HPV Cancer Surivor Stories

IA HHS YouTube playlist of six survivor stories from people who are survivors of HPV-related cancers.

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Information on Product Recalls Due to Lead Hazards

Look up products that may be recalled due to high lead levels.

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Pick a Better Snack Program Review

A review of the impact of the Pick a Better Snack programming.

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Iowa Cancer Consortium Cancer Screening Toolkit

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Eight Principles of a Healthy Home

Eight guidelines homeowners can follow to keep their homes healthy.

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Sexually Transmitted Infections- Screening Recommendations and Considerations

A list of who should get screened for which infection. Resource can be listed by infection or by population at risk.

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Black Hawk County WIC Services

WIC is a federally funded program that has been providing food assistance, nutrition education, and referrals to other social services agencies since 1974.

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CDC Childhood Vaccine Guidelines

Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2021

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Notice of Privacy Practices for Health Care Providers

This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how Black Hawk County may use and disclose your protected health information to carry out treatment, payment, or health care operations and for other purposes that are permitted or required by law. It also describes your rights to access and control of your protected health information (“PHI”). “PHI” is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services.

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CDC Information on Radon

Resources and information from the CDC about preventing illness caused by high levels of radon.

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Eligibility and Instructions for Water Infrastructure Fund

Eligibility and Instructions – Onsite Wastewater Systems in Unsewered Communities Grant Eligible Applicants

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Prévention contre l’empoisonnement au plomb chez les enfants (French CLPP)

Prévention contre l’empoisonnement au plomb chez les enfants. Ce que vous devez savoir. Si le taux sanguin de votre enfant revient à un niveau élevé, appelez Julie 319-404-5942 du Black Hawk County Health Department, elle peut vous aider à savoir si vous êtes admissible au programme Healthy Homes.

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2022-2023 Respiratory Illness Season: Guidance for Childcare Facilities and K-12 Schools

Public health officials from Black Hawk, Linn, and Johnson counties have put together this document to guide staff in these settings toward the best way to prevent the spread of illness among attendees.

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EPA Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon

Radon safety information for people who are buying or selling a home.

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Public Health Flyer_ English

Black Hawk County Public Health is here for you.

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BHCPH 2025 Advocacy Priorities

Read this document to learn more about these Advocacy Priorities: • Support for a strong adaptive and responsive public health system is foundational for healthy people and healthy communities. • Cancer is a major public health concern for Iowa as it has the second highest rate of new cases in the nation. Death rates are decreasing but slower than in other states. • Everyone should have access to respectful, appropriate care for a broad spectrum of services.

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Healthy Homes Calendar

A calendar of home maintenance that helps keep your home a healthy place to live.

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Water Infrastructure Grant Application

Water Infrastructure Grant Application- Onsite Wastewater Systems in Unsewered Communities Complete this application to be considered for grant awards related to the design, permitting and construction of a private sewage disposal system.

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CDC COVID-19 Community Levels

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Help Yourself to a Healthy Home

A booklet that provides guidance for homeowners on keeping their homes healthy.

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CDC Information on Each COVID-19 Vaccine

All currently approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and reduce your risk of severe illness. CDC does not recommend one vaccine over another.

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Iowa Finance Authority Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) Transfer Authorization

To be completed as part of application process for Water Infrastructure Fund (Onsite Wastewater Systems in Unsewered Communities Grant).

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Healthy Homes Self Assessment Tool

Homeowners can use this to assess the safety of their homes.

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HUD Healthy Homes Information

HUD website that provides Healthy Homes information, including apps that can be downloaded for kids and adults.

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Farmers Market Toolkit

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Temporary Food Service and License Guide

Comprehensive guidance from the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals on obtaining a temporary food establishment license.

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