PrEP is a new and vital part of overall HIV risk reduction. By taking a medication (Truvada) every day, PrEP clients can lower their risk of contracting HIV by nearly 98%. This treatment program has been made available for those who are vulnerable for acquiring HIV from sex or injection drug practices as well as those who have a relationship with an HIV (+) partner.
You must be HIV negative AND at increased risk of HIV exposure.
A no-cost navigator is available to help eligible individuals determine their insurance coverage and provide no-cost referrals, education, and follow up support.
Clinic staff will review your risk of HIV exposure and provide you with information about the program. A referral for the PrEP program can be made by clinic staff or self referred. PrEP takes commitment from you and ongoing monitoring from your PrEP team.
Participating in the PrEP program through partnerships with Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC) and Black Hawk County Public Health provides you with: